Danbury Painting
Interior Residential Painting and Exterior Residential Painting
Danbury CT, Brookfield CT, Bethel CT, Ridgefield CT, Stamford CT and Darien CT
Painting the interior or exterior of your house is a serious job and the rewards are excellent because you chose Danbury Painting for all your residential painting needs resulting in saving you thousands of dollars but Best of all, well make your home look like new again.
A great Residential interior painting job or Residential exterior painting job will extend the life of your siding, trim, walls, and more. Ultimately increasing the value of your house and Danbury Painting has the best residential techniques for applying paint quickly and thoroughly.
Our Residential Painters at Danbury Painting take rough measurements of your homes, interior or exterior. Noting the type of surface, for example, stucco, cedar shingles or smooth siding. We Count all the doors, door frames and window frames. This information helps us exactly calculate the amount of paint well need to complete your Residential Painting project and for the most part we always Plan on applying two coats of acrylic latex or oil base paint.
We supply the best paint to our clients because Good-quality paint is easier to apply, covers better and lasts longer. Danbury Painting recommends paint with a slight sheen, either satin or eggshell. It’s fade resistant and easier to clean than flat paint. Helping you Choose the exterior and Interior painting colors that complement the architectural details of your house and fit the character of your home or neighborhood
This one of the first steps to a great paint job.
Completing a top-quality Residential exterior painting and interior painting project requires more than patience and perseverance it also requires a sharp eye, a steady hand and a bit of practice ( over 20 years ) to paint crisp, straight lines. In addition, to having the strength to move and set up ladders, and the confidence to work from them once they’re in place.
So Don’t waste a substantial amount of your ,precious, time on a incapable wimp of a contractor.
Instead, Have your job done by a top of the food chain pro at Danbury Painting! devote your residential painting project to us and instantaneously regain your entire summer vacation or holiday vacation to relax and be at ease.
Once again, For a durable, professional interior and exterior residential paint finish call Danbury Painting.
- Exterior Painting Services
- Interior Painting Services
- Deck Staining
- Drywall Repair
- Faux Finishes
- Power Washing
- Wallpaper Removal & Installation
- Carpentry