Home Improvement Contractors Don’t Need to have any Experience, knowledge or even the slightest understanding of their trade in order to obtain a Home Improvement license in the state of CT? In Fact its NOT a licsense at all. Its a Registration and there is major a difference.
The Assumption is-
The professional is licensed in their trade they must know what they are doing, RIGHT?…. WRONG! in fact this couldn’t be furthest from the truth! If a contractor is licensed it does NOT mean they know what they are doing. This is called ” Acting in the capacity of a Contractor”
The DRONES of the universe advise you to hire a “licensed contractor”
The state of Connecticut does NOT have an educational requirement or contractor competency exam for people looking to obtain a Home Improvement Contractors License.
The biggest hurdle in obtaining the Home Improvement license is a $200 fee. Companies involved in Interior painting, Exterior painting, construction, installation, renovations or improvements to kitchens, bathrooms, basements, bedrooms, driveways, porches, garages, roofs, siding, insulation, flooring, doors, trim and windows all have a Home Improvement Contractor’s license that requires no experience to get.
Not all contractors are of the “same professional cloth” –
The best way to protect yourself against a fake, inexperienced, noob of a contractor is to do your homework! get out your own antennas, feel around and find someone that is honest and reliable, somebody that makes you comfortable answers all of your questions without complication and somebody with “proven” independent professional experience.
The most important prerequisite to look for with any and all contractors is ……
A Company with a great abundance of actual proven “independent” contracting EXPERIENCE in the home improvement industry.
Danbury Painting
For all your Interior Painting and Exterior Painting needs